Dear Lord, we would ask that you would let your unfailing love surround us, for our hope Lord is in you alone. (Psalm 33: 22). We are surrounded by your presence, your power and your unfailing mercy and love.
When I sit in my quiet time with the Lord in prayer and meditate on his Holy Word, I am overwhelmed with his presence and made acutely aware of how awesome and powerful God is. I am showered with the dewdrops of his mercy and love that just keeps on falling.
I am reminded of the song by Charly McCain:
“Surround me with love, I need you beside me
I want you to hold and hide me,
When this world is closing’ in on me.
Surround me with love, Lord and I can make it
What ever comes you, know I can take it
Just as long as you surround me with your love.”
I can hear the Holy Spirit whisper within the depth of my heart, “Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.” (I John 3: 1).