Seer Prophetess D’s Ministry – Building a Better Future at A.M.C.I.
The Projected Future Good Samaritan Refuge House
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalms 46:1
The Future Transitional Home of Ex-Felons
Housing For Ex-Felons
“For I was hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.”
Matthew 25:35-36

“An Urgent Call”
“Way Maker”
Where do ex-felons go after they are released?
To facilitate release from prison after they have served their time, they must have a set place of residence with a legal address. The residence must have a working telephone due to the offender’s parole requirement to be on an electrical home monitor for the first 90 days after release. Secondly, in order to be able to obtain help from any social services a residence is required as well.
Statistics alleges that approximately 44% of recidivism is due to ex-offenders facing multiple fees and barriers to employment, education, affordable housing, and other social programs designed for the poor. It is these issues that can lead to vicious cycles of incarceration and re-incarceration. It is impossible for the Criminal Justice Reforms to work effectively until these institutional barriers to reentry for prisoners after their release are eradicated. Reportedly, as of 2013 there were 628,900 adult males in local jails n the US and 1, 463, 500 adult males in state and federal prisons. Among federal inmates, 63% of male inmates and 56% of female inmates reported being a parent. Nearly 1 in 4 states (23%) and federal (24%) inmates reported having one child.
It is reportedly alleged from statistics that 70% of CRIMINALS are from broken homes. Dysfunctional families and physical, mental and sexual abuse lead to psychological problems. Attempting to cope with these challenges often lead to drug abuse. These problems in themselves become a revolving door and continue the historical legacy of incarcerated individuals. The only way things will ever change is when we as fellow human beings reach out to help integrate these individuals back into the community as productive citizens.
Thank you for your donation; when you give, you reunite families and reintegrate people back into the community~
Apostolic Miracle Center Intl. is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization and your charitable contributions are tax-deductible.