Dear President Biden:
I first want to congratulate you and your Vice President Harris on your success in becoming our 46th president. I had written you several times during your campaign and gave you the words of encouragement the Lord himself commissioned me to give you. Consequently, I have another word to give you now that the real work has begun.
President Biden, I am a Prophetess to the nation and have been since the age of 25. The Lord told me to intercede for you during your campaign and that the first problem you would have to confront after winning, would be with the “Transfer of Power. I was specifically commissioned to and pray until you and Vice President Harris were inaugurated. Now I am commissioned by the Lord to write this letter to you and tell you that the Lord is with you. If you honor him and care for his people you will be triumphant.
You see our God knows our end from our beginning. He knew that the sufferings you endured throughout your life, would enable you to empathize with the sufferings of the people of America. You have been chosen for such a time as this. Every event and situation that you experienced in your life has been to prepare you to lead America in this tumultuous hour. Your faith in God is the one thing that will encourage and strengthen you ahead when you face your most difficult challenges.
During the last four years, America has endured unparalleled persecution, extreme racial division, and death. Instead of promoting justice and equality and programs that would improve the lives of all Americans, people were demeaned, persecuted, lied to, encouraged to hate, murdered, and even incited to try to overtake our government and kill our political leaders. We were almost led to engage in a bloody civil war among ourselves.
Now as our new president it will be your responsibility to correct the many mistakes that were made by your predecessor and the toll that it took on our democracy and our people. Your immediate goal after being sworn in is to stop the ravaging spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic. You will work tirelessly to bring a living wage to every middle-class family that will provide the basic need of food and shelter. You are determined that you will vastly improve the landmark healthcare called Obamacare now to be called Biden-Care to reach the millions of uninsured Americans, and those who are so desperately in need of healthcare at this moment of crises due to Covid-19.
You want to restore America’s standing in the world and its partnerships like the Paris Climate Agreement and other crucial allies. You seek to finally make education the right of every child in our nation. You want to address vital social issues of injustice and inequality. You want to fulfill America’s promise of citizenship for millions of immigrants. There is a heavy burden to stop the inhumane treatment of those seeking asylum and return all the abused and displaced children to their families. Assuredly, you want to restore our faith in America’s pledge to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
President Biden, the Lord told me to remind you of the story of King David and his predecessor King Saul, and the similarities to your present circumstance. David had been chosen to be the next king. King Saul’s reign ended abruptly because of his sins. King Saul was very presumptuous. He assumed Godly privilege and distorted the role of Godly punishment, which does not benefit the influential and the attractive. In other words, being a king does not give anyone a grandiose seal of the power to use God’s right and authority to act like a tyrant or monarch and judge according to that level of absolute rectitude.
God even gave King Saul a second chance, but he gained no wisdom for the respect and the limits of his authority as a king. As a result, to prevent Israelite kingship from becoming a tradition on the replica of the Godly King or Priest-Kings of neighboring nations, God did not allow Saul to set up a lineage (1 Samuel 15:11).
President Biden, the difference between David and Saul was that King David did not lose his first love. When King David became famous and well known his main desire was to still please God. Although King David had many faults, when he sinned and became aware, he always repented and sought the Lord above all else (Psalm 51: 11). He was a man of profound belief and prayer, who always wanted God’s love, blessings, favor, grace, and to know God’s will. However, when King Saul sinned, he turned back from following the Lord.
King David never took one step without consulting the Lord. His faith in God’s direction and guidance led him too always be victorious. King David’s obedience was always rewarded. God kept his promises and destroyed his enemies. He was always yielding to the Lord and completely reliant on him. It was the main reason he was called a man after God’s own heart. The Lord said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will do all my will (Acts 13: 22).
kingdoms rise and fall due to the rebelliousness and disregard of their leaders. During Saul’s leadership, there was problem after problem. There was a famine that had persisted for three long years (2 Samuel 21:1) because of breaking a treaty with the Gibeonites. When King David asked the Lord, what was the cause of the famine, The Lord responded immediately and said Israel’s suffering was because of Saul and his violent house.” God does not forget. Many individuals and nations have been punished with diseases and plagues because of disobedience and past sins.
There is an inner strength from the Lord that is moving you forward to completely restore this nation and bring civility and equality to all its citizens. I know you will not rest until it is achieved. God wants you to move ahead in faith and know he is with you. Do not evade keeping God first. If you will say like King David, “Among the gods, there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like thy works. For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone (Psalms 86: 8,10).” President Biden, it is because you have a heart that seeks after God, that you have been chosen to complete such a historic task.
The Lord told me to encourage you to follow how King David always sought the Lord for direction and waited for his answer. Do not be swayed by public opinion, lies, jealousy, or greed. God will make his will know to you. It may be through a dream or a small voice in your spirit, or just reading the holy scriptures. It may come from a man or woman of God, like myself.
President Biden, a life that honors God and seeks to know his will shall be filled with his blessings and favor. The word declares that” in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths” (Prov. 3:6)
The Lord’s Servant,
Seer Prophetess Dorothy L. Muse, Psy.D
Just in reading this tonight I can see how God had mercy on America on 11/3/2020, by sending President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Thank you Lord for your message to your anointed and appointed servant Prophetess D. Muse to be given to our new leader in America. This is what is needed so much in our nation and the world, a Word from the Lord for hope and direction for today. It is a breath of fresh air for sure !
Great writings here are always and I really I like everything here.
I this like as well:
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