By Way of the Cross

Man’s deliverance, wholeness, peace, happiness and salvation still comes by way of the cross.

The world has never understood the purpose of the cross and what it represents until we come to know the power that we have received; because of Christ’s death on the cross at Calvary and how through his Resurrection, he overcame hell, death, and the grave.

• Luke 24:2-3 – “They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, And they entered in and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.”

• John 11:25-26 – “Jesus said unto her, “I am the Resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”

~ Seer Prophetess D
~ Seer Prophetess D

I am a Seer, a Prophetess, a Teacher, a Perceiver and a Bearer of Truth to the World.

4 thoughts on “By Way of the Cross

  1. avatarAngie

    I am so pleased and proud to see how God has open another door to get His
    Word out to the world concerning His love, grace , mercy and direction concerning the things that He wants His people to know not just as told in the Holy Scriptures while adding His revealed Words for today in these days and times. It is so exciting that even today, God has not stopped speaking through His chosen vessels (prophets and prophetess’) to speak to today’s generation!

  2. avatarAngie

    I am so pleased to see how God has opened up a new opportunity to hear what He is saying to the people of God everywhere during these days and times. To see how God continues to use His chosen vessels (prophets and prophetess’) to deliver a specific message to the world today. God has not stopped getting out His message to His people from the Holy scriptures and the voices that He is using today to proclaim what He wants revealed to the nations . God bless Prophetess D as she continues in this her gift and calling
    from the LORD!

  3. avatarGeorgia Whitehead

    I love this site. It is the place to come to hear what the spirit of God is saying to the world. Thank you Prophetess D, for allowing God to speak through you!
    Sis. G

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